Thursday 24 January 2013

Hayley's growing up, moving on, and changing blogs..

..Since I'm no longer a 'young art student', (and I'd quite like to keep this blog simply to remind me of my work from my college days) I've decided to up blogs and move to my new one, creativity titled 'The Life of a Young Animation Student'.

I'll hopefully try to upload regular stuff that I'll be doing during my Animation degree over the next three years, so yeah, check it out :-)

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Fish-eye lens!

Just thought I'd post some of the photos that I took of my whole exhibtion piece today using a fish-eye lens:


Monday 18 June 2012

Exhibition Day!

Shattered, all this drinking of wine and talking about your concepts and ideas with family and friends (who I'm very grateful to for coming along!) - it's a hard life being an art student, I just want to sleep. But I also wanted to stick some photos up that I took after I completely finished setting up at about 11am today - it's taken long enough!
And I know pride is sometimes frowned upon but I'm pretty chuffed, it looks almost exactly how I envisioned..
Real leaves and bunting (can't go far wrong with bunting!) - Unfortunately the poor bush that I picked to hack at and pin up for my exhibition is now looking considerably worse for wear.

Close-up's of Max's treehouse, it was kinda sweet to hear someone look at my work and say "Oh look, a treehouse! I want to live in there!".

Grass - Way way back at the start of the building process of this final piece I made a rag-rug out of different shades of green fabric, this made a lovely lush carpet for my tree to sit on, I only wish I'd limited the range of colours as I made it - it'd be nicer if it was more grass coloured.

My mini-me/avatar on my Artist Statement, she's holding onto the top of my statement which states where I'm headed next year and what my ideas were about in making this project, I thought I'd make a version of me that matched the rest of my work rather than just a photo of my mug.

And that's it! So close to finishing college now it's scary, the exhibition'll be up until the end of the week, anyone want a tree?

Friday 15 June 2012

Exhibition Building, Day 3

Exhibition building weeeeek! Finally everything I (and the rest of my group) have worked on is going up around our classroom ready for next week. This is what I left it looking like yesterday afternoon, after working on it and also helping other people out all of the day before and yesterday:

And then I've spent all day stapling greenery up at the top and gluing the treehouses to the tree:

And hanging my 'logo': 

So I left it looking like this when I went home today:

Such fun, such fun. Just got bits to add on Monday and then that's almost it college-wise.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

'Max & Jasper' Logo Creation

As part of my final project brief I wrote that I wanted to experiment with some graphic design, I'd decided on my name, just a simple 'Max & Jasper' - named after my characters, so I started quickly sketching out ideas. This is the origin of the design that has practically stuck from the start:

I then designed it properly in Illustrator and starting playing around with colours, tilts and the widths of each letter:

However, given that my final piece designs (for illustrations and models) are much more bright in colour, I spent an hour yesterday re-choosing each letter colour and then printed them onto nice thick, slightly textured paper:

 And then I have spent this evening cutting them out and sticking them together with 1-2mm pads to create some depth and shadow. 

I now intend to pierce some tiny holes the the corners of the A, ampersand and S/P and hang them from each other. The whole design will be hung from a fishing rod, held by a model of the main character,  'Max', at the top of my exhibition boards falling in place next to my set design :)

Thursday 7 June 2012

Drawing things

I love drawing, I love the satisfaction I get when I draw something that I feel was better than the day before, I love seeing the improvement. The main subject matter for my drawings seems to be my own body, mainly my hands and feet, this is probably because I'm too shy to sit and stare at a stranger on a train for too long and I worry that when a family member says "Let's see then!" they'll get offended when it looks nothing like them.
So instead I frequently find myself sat up, facing a mirror, drawing 'til 3am.

- Turns out charcoal is "my" medium recently, I love how free my work gets when I use charcoal.

For the illustration I created of Max fishing I just couldn't get the proportions and foreshortening right, so out came the mirror and I sat with my legs hanging from my bed drawing them.